A Glance at Week #2

On Monday we had keem. It was “kupaniye” themed, so counselors dressed in their swimsuits and splashed around with different pool toys such as beach balls and noodles. Campers were very enthusiastic about this keem because they love swimming time in the lake!

On Tuesday, we had an army themed beg. Cabins had to go through “boot camps,” think of creative battle strategies, and had to recall basic first aid they have learned during their scouting classes. Although they were very wet and muddy afterward, campers were met by a cold refreshing watermelon snack when they got back to the cafeteria.


Thursday was varka day. For this week’s twist, the counselors hid each cabin’s flag. After they found their flags, they were given an “advantage,” which they picked from a hat. For example, a cabin could have received an extra match, pre-made tinder, or help from a counselor. Cabins competed fiercely, but they worked together to make the day a fun one.

On Saturday, we had another bonfire (kostyor). All of the campers had presented skits that their cabins created for the event. The night was full of laughter and joy as everyone was enjoying a nice relaxing evening. 


A Glance at Week #3


Friday Night Means "Tansi" Night!!!